Monday, January 26, 2009

DON'T read on the potty!

I will keep this short.

What is the best time to do Kegels?

The best time of the day to do Kegels is when you remember to do them. :)

Ideally, do them after having a bowel movement to help with hemorroids or to prevent hemorroids.

Side note, DON'T READ ON THE POTTY!!! All that time with the sphinters open and the downward pressure, you are increasing chances of hemorroids and pelvic floor weakening. Besides, if it takes you so long to poo that you need reading material, you need to take a look at your diet. Pooing should be painless and fast. :)

The other ideal time to do kegels is before any kind of activity that requires the pelvic floor to activate to protect itself. Worst offenders being sneezing, laughing, coughing, lifting something, jumping, etc. Before such activities, first contract your pelvic floor and better yet, also activate your deep core muscles by pulling in your belly button.

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