Friday, February 27, 2009

Diet during Pregnancy

Often we hear that pregnancy is not the time to diet.

Well, I disagree. Pregnancy is one of the most important times for a woman to diet.

Now, before you get your panties in a wad, let's define dieting.

Is it considered dieting if you make an effort to change your current undesirable eating habits?

Is it dieting if you restrict calories to a healthy amount?

Is it dieting if you avoid certain foods?

Is it dieting to choose the best possible foods to allow your body to grow a healthy baby?

If the above is dieting, then I think all preggers should be on a diet.

Here's how I think pregnant women should eat:
  1. Organic foods as much as possible
  2. No processed food, no junk
  3. Lots of nutrient dense foods
  4. Lots of water
  5. Eat often, every 2-4 hours
  6. No coffee or alcohol
Some women take pregnancy as a "free pass" to go ape on their diets. Don't do it! You will gain excess weight, the baby will not be getting the best possible nutrition to grow and develop, and you will feel much worse. We truly are what we eat and when pregnant that extends to your baby being what you eat. Think about that and choose well for you AND for the little one.

The basic question is: "Will this food choice facilitate my body to grow a healthy baby?"

That chocolate donut fried in transfats and loaded with empty sugar calories that will spike up your insulin levels. Good for your baby? I think NOT!

That delicious home-made pumpkin soup with a side of grilled salmon and a dessert of berries with natural yogurt. Help your body grow a healthy baby? Definitely!

It REALLY makes a difference. Eat well. It's worth it. You are worth it. Your baby is worth it.

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